Tuesday 5 December

Promoting innovation

10.00 – 10.45 GMT+4
Methane and food: (dis)closing the gap
Agriculture is the leading driver of anthropogenic methane emissions. As a highly potent short-lived climate pollutant, we know we need to urgently reduce methane emissions in order to meet crucial 2030 climate targets. One of the ways to ensure companies can become accountable for methane reduction is to introduce corporate methane reporting. Indeed, this is already becoming commonplace in the energy sector. So why is there a lack of action when it comes to disclosing methane emissions within the agri-food sector? This event will assess the various incentives and obstacles to enable rapid action now.
Register here!
Organised by Upfield
11.15 – 12.00 GMT+4
Doing Blue Foods Right 
“Blue foods,” a diverse category that includes thousands of species plants and animals harvested wild or cultivated from marine and freshwater systems, are increasingly discussed in climate conversations. Such attention is important—blue food systems make critical contributions to food security, nutrition, and livelihoods and can be a part of a more sustainable food system. However, blue foods vary tremendously in their environmental impacts, contributions to food security, and contributions to livelihoods in ways that depend not only on the species, but also methods of production and locations of production and consumption. In many cases, an assessment of these contributions will involve distributional trade-offs at the inter- or intra-nationally.
Walter Sanchez-Suarez, Animal Behavior and Welfare Scientist, Mercy For Animals
Sophika Kostyniuk, Managing Director, Aquatic Life Institute
Dr. Kikiope Oluwarore, Founder, One Health Initiative
Register here!
Organised by Mercy For Animals, Aquatic Life Institute
14.00 – 14.45 GMT+4
Schools at the heart of climate-resilient education and food systems
This event will discuss the importance of schools as sites for building climate resilience, and the role that schools, students, teachers, and school leadership play in increasing resilience to climate change and driving the development of sustainable and climate-smart food systems.

The discussion will feature youth speakers and institutional representatives, speaking on their work at all levels – community, national, regional, and global- and sharing their specific experiences.
Salha Aziz, GPE Youth Leader, Tanzania
Foluyinka Fakoya, Advocacy and Public Policy, GPE
– TBD, Teach for All youth teacher
Colette Fox, Head of Programmes, ProVeg UK
Hon, Madalitso Wrima Kimbauwa, Minister of Education, Malawi
Register here!
Organised by Global Partnership for Education
15.15 – 16.00 GMT+4
Decarbonizing the Food Supply Chain – A Panel Discussion with Tetra Pak, Thai Union & Terrascope
Join our panel discussion on exploring sustainable solutions when decarbonizing the food supply chain. Our experts will delve into innovative strategies, technology, and collaborative efforts in shaping a greener future for food production.
Maya Hari, CEO, Terrascope
Ferruh Gurtas, Corporate Affairs Director, Asia, Middle East & Africa, Tetra Pak
Adam Brennan, Group Director, Sustainability, Thai Union
Register here!
Organised by Terrascope
