Wednesday 6 December

Empowering change

10.00 – 10.45 GMT+4
How Public Markets Are Driving Capital to Food Systems Transformation
Elysabeth Alfano, CEO of VegTech(™) Invest, Advisor to the publicly traded Plant-based Innovation & Climate ETF. 
Glenn Hurowitz, Founder Mighty Earth 
– FAIRR rep (TBC)
Aimee Christenses, Christensen Global (introductions)

-Positive Climate Investing Alliance (TBC)
Register here!
Organised by VegTech(™) Invest
11.15 – 12.00 GMT+4
Consumer transparency: why environmental labelling matters
Environmental labelling has been implemented by some actors and some schemes have been developed. But we do not yet have a harmonised system anywhere in the world that ensures environmental labels are consistent, comparable and comprehensive. What are the obstacles to introducing these systems, and why are they needed?
Register here!
Organised by Upfield
14.00 – 14.45 GMT+4
Procurement for the Planet: How food procurement shifts can help meet sustainability goals
Institutional food procurement is a powerful lever that can be used to mitigate climate impacts from the food system while also supporting and helping to address issues of equity, sustainability, food security, human health and animal welfare. In this event we will cover challenges and opportunities in shifting procurement, illustrate the collaborative and participatory approach to food policy that procurement offers, provide a road map for engaging in procurement change, and share what is needed to accelerate and scale up sustainable food procurement. 
Sid Mehta, Simon Fraser University
Juliana Tangari, Comida do Amanhã
Sara Farley, Rockefeller Foundation

Fabricio Muriana, Instituto Regenera
Register here!
Organised by Humane Society International and Columbia Global Centers: Climate Hub Rio
15.15 – 16.00 GMT+4
Spearheading the Future of Food – affordable fresh & local food4all!
CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) is a solid food production solution and a key element to provide affordable and fresh food for all. Less water, no pesticides, land sparing, increased biodiversity, enhanced food production, food safety and food security.
The innovative power of the (Netherlands) CEA sector, combined with the regional knowledge, will enable climate proof solutions.
Join the CEA Movement!
Ms Annie van de Riet
Ms Jessie-Lynn van Egmond
Henry GordonSmith

Mariska Dreschler
Register here!
Organised by Topsector Horticulture & Starting Materials, AVAG, GreenTech and Van der Hoeven
From 16.30 GMT+4 onwards
Empowering change on the frontline of Amazon deforestation – Screening, panel discussion and reception
Mighty Earth hosts a screening, panel discussion and reception for “We Are Guardians” a powerful film capturing Indigenous communities’ fight for their ancestral lands, which are being lost to the meat industry. 
Puyr Tembe, Indigenous Activist who features in the film
Edivan Guajajara, Indigenous producer/director
Andre Vasconcelos of Global Canopy

Glenn Hurowitz, CEO of Mighty Earth
Register here!
Organised by Mighty Earth
