Sunday 10 December

Growing the movement

10.00 – 10.45 GMT+4
Unpacking the COP28 Emirates Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Action: Is Industrial Animal Farming an Overlooked Climate Culprit?
Launching our report on the estimated impact of industrial farming on global south climate change. Linking this with the Leaders Declaration on Food Systems.
Mark Driscoll, Founder & Director, Tasting the Future (he/him) | online
Dr. Helen Harwatt, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House (she/her) | online
Kaltham Ali Kayaf, Director of Animal Development & Health Department, UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment  (she/her)
Sena Alouka, Togo Negotiator for Agriculture (he/him)
Kelly Dent, Global Programme Director of External Engagement, World Animal Protection (she/her)

James Royston, Global Head of External Affairs, World Animal Protection
Register here!
Organised by World Animal Protection

11.15 – 12.00 GMT+4
Unlocking the agri-food system transformation: Aligning regenerative farming with sustainable food choices 
The Jeremy Coller Foundation brings together FAIRR and a stellar panel of experts to understand how the agri-food system can capitalise on solutions across the agri-food value chain to unlock agri-food system transformation.  

Building a sustainable global food system to harmonise climate, nature and societal goals will require multiple solutions and no single silver bullet: from embracing regenerative and agroecological production to diversifying our consumption to include alternative proteins.  During the session, we will hear from experts around the world on how different movements and groups can work together to capitalise on these opportunities through shared policy goals and building synergies and partnerships across the agri-food value chain.  

The panel will seek to explore the following overarching topics:
1. The need to move towards regenerative agriculture and diversifying consumption habits in order to meet climate, nature and societal goals. 
2. Credible and scalable methods for agri-food stakeholders to integrate nature and climate solutions into corporate, policy and investor action. 
3. Assessment of how groups can work together to better align supply and demand-side solutions like regenerative agriculture and protein diversification to unlock agri-food system transformation
Henry Dimbleby, Co-founder of Leon and author of UK National Food Strategy Lead
Sara Farley, Vice President, Global Food Portfolio, Rockefeller Foundation
Gus Guadagnini, Chief Executive Officer, Brazil, GFI
Karen Mapusua, President of the IFOAM Organics International
Register here!
Organised by the Jeremy Coller Foundation
14.00 – 14.45 GMT+4
Cross-Cutting Policies for a Sustainable Future
Recent years have marked the start of a critical shift from a siloed approach of thinking about agricultural systems to a systems-based framing, with an increasing recognition that the broader food system must be a key part of the solution to the intertwined challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health. But what does a “food systems” approach look like in practice, and what are some concrete examples of policy measures or recommendations that use a food systems lens to deliver co-benefits across sectors?  What are some of the enabling conditions required in order to use a food systems approach in policymaking? In this event experts from diverse fields will address these questions, exploring the challenges, opportunities, and prerequisites needed to leverage food systems to support multiple global goals.
Dr. Nanine Wyma, PAN
Fabricio Muriana, Instituto Regenera
Jess Smith, WWF

Lasse Bruun
Register here!
Organised by Humane Society International
15.30 – 16.15 GMT+4
Tackling the intractable: the political economy of a livestock transition in line with climate goals
Food systems globally are failing to deliver on multiple fronts, with devastating consequences for people and the planet. While the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021 helped kick-start important national transition pathway processes in many countries, most remain narrow, under-resourced, or lack intra-governmental coordination to maximise policy synergies and resolve trade-offs. While the momentum and interest is building for food system transformations, the reality of aligning major sectors in the food system with climate, biodiversity and health goals must be better understood.

The production and consumption of livestock products must be reduced at the global level with substantial reductions needed across high income, high consuming populations. Navigating politics, interests, and conflicts is a crucial part of enabling the changes needed to align livestock production and consumption with climate goals, and planetary health goals more broadly. This event will focus on the political realities of aligning livestock production and consumption with climate goals to 2030 – taking into account the scale and pace of changes needed, and the range of barriers and opportunities that could help or hinder depending on the types of actions taken.

While few examples exist to draw from – the panel will be composed of experienced and knowledgeable people who can start the session with their key insights, before engaging the audience members. An ongoing research project led by Chatham House, designed to identify the political realities of aligning livestock production and consumption with planetary health goals to 2030, and develop a toolkit to assist policy makers in navigating the political economy aspects of livestock transitions, will also be presented during the event.
Dr Helen Harwatt, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House. Onlin
Professor Tim Benton, Director of the Environment and Society Centre, Chatham House.
Dr Jan Dutkiewicz, Pratt Institute, NY. Online
Dr Sarah Ison, Global Head of Research, Compassion in World Farming
Anna Salminen, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland
Namukolo Covic, ILRI Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia

Lasse Bruun, Director, Climate and Food at UN Foundation
Register here!
Organised by Compassion in World Farming
